Os tempos modernos caracterizam-se por um estilo de vida mais exigente onde a prática de hábitos alimentares tradicionais tem vindo a ser substituída por um consumo exacerbado de produtos alimentares processados de baixo valor nutricional, associado a um menor tempo de preparação e confeção das refeições, simultaneamente com menor dedicação ao entorno familiar.

A gastronomia pertence ao domínio das ciências, da política e da cultura e pode constituir um veículo de promoção de hábitos alimentares e culturais protetores da saúde através da preservação de bons hábitos e tradições alimentares portuguesas de reconhecido valor cultural e enquanto elemento de proteção da saúde.

O consumo de alimentos confecionados de forma inadequada, ao nível da restauração coletiva e/ou particular, contribui para padrões alimentares desadequados e dietas hipercalóricas, ricas em gorduras saturadas e gorduras “trans”, açúcares simples, sal e baixo teor de fibras. Programas que promovam comportamentos alimentares reconhecidamente protetores da saúde, nomeadamente através da preservação da arte da cozinha e da culinária saudável contribuem para melhorar a qualidade e disponibilidade alimentar e nutricional através do ensino de métodos de preparação, confeção e apresentação mais adequados.


In order to preserve the roots and traditional healthy food traditions with the promotion of its healthiest elements (such as fruit and vegetables, cereals and olive oil), the project Gastronomy Against Obesity was carried out in 2009-2010. This project included the dissemination of culinary art and its health-promoting practices, also contributing to the preservation of Portuguese food culture, as well as to the adoption of healthy eating habits, promoting national products. Likewise, this project included food and nutrition counseling initiatives, a fundamental tool in the promotion and dissemination of good practices and food to the community.

The main objective of this project was to develop food support and counseling programs in all regions of the country with local authorities, Health Centers and schools in order to provide basic practical knowledge about the knowledge, choice, preparation and preparation of healthy foods , based on the gastronomic richness and admittedly healthy of traditional Portuguese food. Thus, there was a promotion of the consumption of horticultural products, cereals and olive oil as essential ingredients of traditional Portuguese food, through practical nutrition workshops and the development of practical cooking actions (workshops) guided by renowned Chefs aimed at children and adults who promote the inclusion in the kitchen of horticultural products, cereals and olive oil, based on traditional Portuguese cuisine.

This project aimed to reach all health regions in the country. In parallel to nutritional issues, workshops on healthy eating, cooking courses, support material in digital format (internet portal) and paper support (book) were developed. ) and in addition to holding an international conference.


  • Individual and family skills in the practice of healthy eating habits, in terms of food preparation and preparation, promoting the reduction of health risks related to inadequate diet;
  • Preservation of some of the traditional healthy eating habits and the maintenance of Portuguese Gastronomy as a National Heritage.


“Gastronomia Contra a Obesidade”
Poster presented at

3º Forum Nacional de Saúde, ACSS 2012