CO-CREATE, is an European Commission funded project Horizon 2020 Research Programme for Sustainable Food Security, shared by 14 research groups and NGO´s in six European countries plus Australia, South Africa and the United States. CEIDSS is one of the partners of this consortium, which joined the project kick off meeting in Oslo, Norway on 27 – 28 June to discuss in detail the several steps forward.
CO-CREATE aims to involve and empower adolescents and youth organizations to foster a participatory process of identifying and formulating relevant policies, assessing the options with other private and public actors, promoting relevant policy actions and developing tools and strategies for implementation. CO-CREATE partner organisations include university research departments, national public health institutions and a number of civil society organisations concerned with health policies and youth well-being. During a period of 5 years, the project will build on existing initiatives and platforms, and construct new opportunities for youth engagement in the issue and youth participation in democratic moves for advocacy and policy change.
CEIDSS Brochure
CEIDSS – Centre for Studies and Research in Social and Dynamics and Health – is a non-profit research organization working in the area of health promotion focused on the social determinants of health and especially contributing for the reduction of health inequalities.
CEIDSS has strong experience in developing National and International Comprehensive Programs on tackling thinness, pre-obesity and obesity, aligned with health priorities and guided by low-cost policies and strategies.
Part of its mission is to divulge and communicate through several channels its activities to be closer to the community and scientific partners. CEIDSS brochure was release in May 2018, both in Portuguese and in English as CEIDSS international activities have become an essential part of the establishment of networks and consortiums. A good example is its participatory membership in the European Public Health Nutrition Alliance.
MUN-SI is a community based program, guided by local policies, which offers an interactive response to childhood malnutrition (thinness and overweight) seeking its prevention at municipality level, based on continuous and sustainable action mainly at school level.
During the school year 2016/2017, 7 primary schools from Oeiras Municipality, with 400 children, participated in this very comprehensive program which included a Nutritional Status survey and the promotion of the THEME “Mediterranean Diet”, during a follow-up of 2 years.
At the end of the intervention, the prevalence of overweight (pre-obesity and obesity) decreased by 0.5% (36.6% for 36, 1%). There was a 2.7% increase in the average adherence to the Mediterranean Diet (from 55% to 57.7%) and a decrease of 0.2% in the poor adherence (from 13.4% to 13.2%). It was also possible to verify that the number of children who reported having heard about the Mediterranean Diet increased after the intervention (24.8% to 87%).
In the school year (2017/2018), a new municipality, Cascais, joined the MUN-SI Program, as a pilot study with one school “Professor Manuel Gaião”where 6 classes of primary school, and a total of 135 children, from 5 to 10 years old, participated.
The WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI) is a unique system that for over 10 years has measured trends in overweight and obesity among 300 000 primary school aged children. In Portugal, CEIDSS has been a strong and important organization for the COSI study, giving technical support and providing data management and analysis.
Among other Portuguese representatives, CEIDSS participated in the 11th WHO/Europe COSI meeting, in Vienna, Austria, May 2018 where other 36 countries joined and where it was discussed, among other related issues, the results presented in the Factsheet containing the highlights of the 4th COSI round.
Obesity in children remains an important public health problem in the WHO European Region and it is unequally distributed within and between countries and population groups.Since COSI started in 2007, 12 countries have participated in at least 3 rounds of data collection. A significant decrease in the prevalence of both overweight and obesity was recorded in Greece, Italy, Portugal and Slovenia. Eating habits are an important factor in children becoming overweight and obese. Regularly eating breakfast, daily consumption of fruits and vegetables and limited consumption of foods such as savoury snacks, fast foods, processed meat products and sugary soft drinks reduce the risk of becoming overweight or obese.
Eat Mediterranean Project
Eat Mediterranean – A Program for Eliminating Dietary Inequalities in Schools(EM) was a community based intervention, coordinated by the Regional Health Directorate of Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, in partnership with CEIDSS, which followed the public health intervention strategy recommended by the WHO, that aim to reduce nutritional inequalitiesin school-aged children through the promotion of Mediterranean Diet principles.
After the end of the project, CEIDSS gave an important contribution being one of the main organization in data analysis and scientific production.
In this context, two out of 5 original articles submitted were published:
- “Nutritional Qualitative Evaluation and Improvement of school meals in Portugal – Eat Mediterranean Program”, (Acta Portuguesa de Nutrição, Vol. 12, 2018) aiming to assessthe nutritional quality of food supply in the canteens of 3 school groupings (n = 386 school menus of the school year 2015/16) through the tool SPARE (School Meals Planning and Evaluation System). New menus were elaborated according to the SPARE criteria, which were implemented in school year 2016/17. After the intervention, the SPARE global score of the school's menus with its own confection increased from 37% to 86.4%; and in the (Pre and primary) schools which were under the responsibility of the Municipalities, SPARE global score increased from 76.7% and 53.6%, respectively, to 88.2% and 100%.
- "Improving breakfast patterns of portuguese children—an evaluation of ready-to-eat cereals according to the European nutrient profile model", (EJCN, accepted june 2018) showed that RTECs (Ready-to-eat cereal) were one of the most frequent (66.5%) breakfasts. Children’ s RTECs presented 5% more of energy and 26% more sugar than the “non-children’ s” RTECs.
CEIDSS researchers joined two major Congresses of Obesity:
- At the 11th WHO/COSI Europe Meeting, in April 21-22, Vienna, Austria
- At European Congress of Obesity (ECO 2018) in May 23-26, Vienna, Austria, in the session “Childhood Obesity Management: from the Lab to the Community
In Portugal, CEIDSS researchers participated in the XVII Congress of Food and Nutrition & I International Congress of Food and Nutrition, in May 10-11, in Lisbon, with two oral communications:“Maternal perception of the nutritional status of school-aged children and associated factors – COSI Portugal 2016” and “Avaliação da evolução da oferta de fruta e leite em Escolas do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico entre 2008 e 2016 – COSI Portugal”. Prof. Ana Rito, was also invited to present a oral communication “A Decade of childhood obesity in Portugal” at the very participated session Trends in childhood Obesity.
In Portugal
WHO launches Global Action Plan on Physical Activity
WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus joined Prime Minister of Portugal, António Costa, to launch the new "WHO Global action plan on physical activity and health 2018-2030: More active people for a healthier world."
To support national efforts to implement the plan, WHO is launching an advocacy campaign to promote physical activity, Let’s Be Active: Everyone, Everywhere, Everyday. This new drive, launched at the Portuguese Football Association’s iconic Cidade do Futebol (City of Football), aims to encourage governments and city authorities to make it easier for people to be more physically active, and healthier.
In the World
Time to deliver: report of the WHO Independent High-Level Commission on Noncommunicable Diseases
A new report from the World Health Organization (WHO) Independent High-level Commission on Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) calls for urgent action to address chronic diseases and mental health disorders. It demands high-level political commitment and the immediate scaling up of actions to address the epidemic of NCDs, the world’s leading causes of death and ill health.
Collectively, cancer, diabetes, lung and heart diseases kill 41 million people annually, accounting for 71% of all deaths globally, 15 million of which occur between the ages of 30 and 70 years. Thereport focuses attention on growing, but often neglected, challenges like mental disorders and obesity.